BP #36 - 1 Skill That's Hard to Learn but Will Payoff Forever

Jan 23, 2023

Read Time: 4 min 

Welcome to The Weekend Trader, a weekly newsletter where I provide actionable ideas to help you build a healthier, wealthier, and happier life through investing, even if your time is limited.


I am a big believer that investing/trading has the power to change your life.

I have been trading/investing for 12 years and since that time.

I have learned how to make money with my money (make money while I sleep) and stop trading time for money.

I've had multiple triple-digit gaining years, and I've 65X'd my portfolio.

Trading/investing has also helped me find my community of people, make new friends, and improve myself in ways I otherwise never would have.

I recommend everyone start Investing/Trading and here's why. 



What is the most valuable resource in your life right now?

If you are like most of us, it is time.

Most of us trade time for money and therefore time is our most precious commodity.

Why is it the most precious commodity?

Because we don't have any of it and as we get older, we have less and less.

Consider this.

The average person lives 78 years.

26 of those years will be spent sleeping. There goes 1/3 of your life. Gone.

10.5 of those years will be spent working. Nearly half of your life is spent working and sleeping.

You will spend 9-10 years watching TV, playing video games, or scrolling through social media.

6 years doing chores, 4 years eating and drinking, 3.5 years in education, 2.5 years grooming yourself, 2.5 years shopping, 1.5 years caring for children (that's right! you only really see your kids growing up 1.5 years of your life), and finally 1.3 years commuting.

What's left?........ 9-10 years to do the things you want to do unless you squander that too.

A sobering reality isn't it? 



If time is your most precious commodity though, how do you get more of it?

Do you get it by working less?

Not for most of us. Most of us will exchange more of our time for money in hopes of accelerating our chances of finally getting to do what we want when we retire.

When we're old and worn out and don't want to do anything anyway.

Most of us will work ourselves to early graves.

Most of us will never achieve our dreams because we will spend all of our time helping someone else achieve theirs.

We think that doing more will get us more but it gets us less.

We need a way to get more by doing less.


How do you get rich trading/investing?


Compounding = Leverage

You can not outwork compounding and you never will. Don't even try it.

If you are not convinced, consider this.

What happens if you double a penny for 30 days?

If you simply took a penny and doubled it for 30 days, then you would have



How much time would $5M buy you?

This is the power of compounding. This is the power of leverage.

People fail to reach their goals and dreams for 1 of 3 reasons.

They either lack a skill, trait, or belief.

I would argue that your skills are the easiest to modify. Don't let a lack of a skillset determine your financial future.

Learn how to invest/trade so you can use leverage to get back your most precious commodity.

"I'd rather get rich for sure than get rich quick." - Alex Hormozi

If you start trading/investing, let me know—I'd love to connect with you (and answer any questions you have getting started!).


What happened this week?

This week I began work on my new course helping busy business professionals stop the bleeding in their retirement accounts and earn financial freedom faster than they ever thought possible. 

Never lose money in your 401K or IRA to a market correction again! How anyone can manage their own 401K or IRA portfolio and beat the market without taking on unnecessary risks.

Pre-register for the course today to reserve your spot and secure your early registration 10% discount when the course comes available for purchase.  

Pre-Register Here



When you're ready, 3 way's I can help you:

1. The Individual Investor OS Course: Ready to take your investing to the next level? Join us at The Creative Investor Academy, where you'll gain access to comprehensive strategies and tools designed to amplify your financial growth. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your investment approach, our course will empower you with the knowledge you need to succeed. Learn more and enroll today.

2. Unlock Your Financial Potential with a FREE limited time only 60-Minute 1-on-1 Strategy Session! Are you ready to take control of your financial future? Book a personalized 60-minute strategy session with Justin Saffel today. Gain actionable insights, tailored investment strategies, and the confidence to make smart financial decisions. Let's turn your financial dreams into reality! All I ask in return is that if you received value to leave a review.

3. Investing Done for You: Are you tired of playing it safe with your money and missing out on exciting investment opportunities? Don't have time to manager your portfolio? It's time to take control and join the CreativeVest Performance Fund. Setup you free 1:1 Strategy Call today. 

***$100,000 min AUM***

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